This is nonrefundable. Please consult with your doctor if you have any health issues before purchasing this advice plan.
• This is an advice plan based off of my own personal experience. If you choose to follow this advice please consult your doctor first.
• Before starting any new diet and exercise program please check with your doctor and clear any exercise and/or diet changes with them before beginning. We are NOT doctors, nutritionists or registered dietitians. We do not claim to help cure any condition or disease. We do not provide medical aid or nutrition advise for the purpose of health or disease nor do we claim to be doctors or dietitians.
• Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.
NeizhaB's 7 Day Jump Start
This is my 7 Day Jump Start Guide. This is based off of my own experience dropping over 50lbs. This guide can help you drop weight and create better habits. If your issue is your eating, you will enjoy this easy to follow guide to a healthy new lifestyle. Try this guide before you commit to a full 30 day program. This does not include any workouts. Only a shopping list and a weeks worth of tasty meals. Remember, we don't "diet" we create a lifestyle.
This guide has meat, use your favorite meat substitute to replace it. If you are pescatarian replace meats with seafood. Please read Disclaimer Notice before purchasing.